My name is Joos, I am 18 years old. I am a very honest and sensitive girl. I always like to meet up with my friends. When I was diagnosed with autism in 2021, a lot more clarity came into my life.
I understood why things were sometimes more difficult for me than for other people and that I, for example, think very differently from others in certain things .
My autism itself has resulted in many struggles in my life. For instance, I was bullied for five years, mainly because I was different to other people. And I sometimes find communicating about my behaviour quite difficult, because I am insecure about it because of my autism. It is also very annoying because I do not manage to cope with many things that cause a lot of stress and misunderstanding.
Fortunately, I also experience positive things due to my autism and that is, for example, that I am a very honest and pure person and that I am so very sensitive, that I want to help everyone I love when they don't feel well and also that I sense very strongly about other people.
I am proud of the fact that after everything I have been through, I am still positive and adventurous in life and I see my future much more positively than I did a few years ago.
A tip I would like to share with people with autism is that sometimes you can't help the way you behave and that you need to communicate with people well to say what you need it and how things might come across to you, and vice versa.
And no matter how difficult it is, accept that you have autism and try to embrace it.
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