My name is Jacintha, I’m 26 years old and I live on my own in Nijmegen. I love fantasy, gaming and animals, and I like going to fantasy festivals and rock/metal concerts with my boyfriend or friends.
My autism has impacted my life in many ways. The main thing is that I’m very sensitive to stimuli and therefore get tired quickly. I also experience some social expectations difficulties, especially when I’m in groups. Because of this, I have not yet been able to complete my studies, but that remains a goal for me!
What I do find positive about my autism is that I’m super honest and that I really accept people as they are, even if they don't fit the norm.
I’m very proud of how far I’ve come. After 12 years of being bullied and the diagnosis I eventually received when I was 15 years old, I’ve worked very hard on myself in recent years. Which means that I now live on my own, I have a relationship and I feel like I’m firmly standing my grounds more and more.
The tip I want to give to others with autism is: don't give up and listen to your own feelings. Sometimes care or assistance may not be right for you. Keep looking further if something or someone doesn't feel right for you. Don't let anyone tell you that you can't keep developing in your life!
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