I'm Judith Visser. I write books and I live in a pack of wolfdogs. I was diagnosed with autism seven years ago. I’m the happiest when I’m in nature with my dogs. I showcase this on my Instagram: www.instagram.com/writerwithwolfdogs
Autism has always ensured that situations often quickly get "too busy" for me, which makes me get overwhelmed. As a result, I live a very withdrawn life. Some people call it isolation, but I don't experience it that way myself. I live by the sea, I’m very happy and I’m always surrounded by my three dogs Yuriko, Fontana and Marshall. I’m an author by trade and my two most recent novels Zondagskind [Sunday child] and Zondagsleven [Sunday life] are about my autism.
I am proud that I have managed to build my own world around me, in which I feel safe. That I’ve been able to make writing my profession and that I give lectures about what it’s like to live with autism, through which I can help others. I’m proud of the bond I have with my wolf dogs as well, we are in-tune with each other flawlessly.
My tip for people with autism? Don't feel obliged to do things that aren’t good for you and make sure you have enough recovery time if you do find yourself in a situation that overstimulates you. And if there are people around you who don't understand what autism means, gift them my books Zondagskind and Zondagsleven!
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